Friday, December 7, 2007

Good Stuff from Google

As a Mac user, I'm all for efforts to break the Microsoft Office hegemony. I don't have MS Office on my computer, so I can't open Office documents even if they're sent to me. I use Apple's free stripped down word processor to do my writing at home. Frankly, Google Docs is better than Applewriter, so I think I should start using it at home. This way I would be able to access my documents from the Web when I'm at work without having to send attachments.

The biggest weakness of Google Docs compared to MS Word is that I don't see a way to view your Google document as it would look when printed. This is a problem when doing something like a resume or formal letter where formatting is important. Still, for most uses Google Docs is a "good enough" program.

The only Google tool I use is their toolbar. I'm sure Picasa is good, but I have iPhoto which is better. I don't have enough on my computer at home that I would really need Google Desktop. I should give Google Notebook a try but I haven't yet. As for Google Calendar, a simple paper calendar works fine for me.

1 comment:

The Skokie Ten said...

Have you ever tried Open Office? It's a free, open-source office suite that offers most of the same features Bill Gates has put out there, and you can import/export .doc files. There is an OSX version available at