Thursday, November 15, 2007

RSS Feeds: More to Ignore!

These days I hate to look at my groaning e-mail inbox because I have far too many e-mails automatically sent to me that I don't have time to look at but am reluctant to delete. With RSS feeds, I've now multiplied the professional content I get that I think might be useful but that I can't seem to find the time to look at. This is, as people say, a mixed blessing.

I like the blogs I've signed up for: a few from Library Journal and a couple Readers Advisory blogs. It was very easy to sign up for them using Firefox, a browser I appreciate the more the more I use it. Still, I think there are benefits to simply bookmarking the sites I like and visiting them from time to time. This way I don't see unread content piling up and making me feel guilty. I suppose RSS feed Readers would be most useful for sites and blogs that are infrequently updated. This way I wouldn't have to futilely check for new content again and again. My feeds, though, are from blogs that post plenty of new content, so this isn't so helpful.


Toby said...

My feed reader tends to reflect a binge-and-purge sensibility of Internet consumption. Sites get added and weeded from my reader all the time.

I also tend to feel that sort of "unreading guilt" guilt from time to time, usually resulting in frequent use of the Mark All Items Read option. You're definitely not alone in those concerns.

Glad to hear you and Firefox are getting along, though. If you'd like some suggestions on useful add-ons, I'd be happy to provide them.

rich said...

i think your blog title and tagline are the best i've ever seen. i mean that.

and i'm with you and toby. i have rss feeds piling up on me and i feel guilty whenever i look at them. weeding is crucial.